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Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Thought Of The Day.

You are absolutely amazing, and beyond beautiful, yes you looking at this screen with her hair up in a towel no makeup on with a cup tea, yes you the one who's in her sweat pants oversized t-shirt who has been cleaning all day long and your hair is in a messy bun and you just needed a break before you mopped the kitchen floors, yes you the one who is in her gorgeous light blue dress her hair curled and her makeup is on point and your sitting in your car waiting for your friend to show up to eat dinner. You, you amazing women you, you're absolutely beautiful, you're stunning, you're brilliant and so bright you just have to see yourself in a new light. Forget about all your "imperfections" forget about your stomach not being flat, forget about those honey thick thighs touching when you walk, forget about how you don't like your arms or your legs. So what if you have stretch marks, dimples in your thighs, acne, grey hairs, a double chin, straight hair, curly hair, ect. None of that matters honey, you should never look in your mirror and think, "Oh I need to change, I need to loose weight." You should feel beautiful so what if your not a size 0 not everyone is, God didn't create us to all be the same it would be a very boring world if we all looked the same, He made us unique and just how He wanted us one of my favorite scriptures is from Pslam 139:14 "I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." We are fearfully and wonderfully made, God had no fear when he made me with a little extra curves, wild red curls that bounce around my freckled face, He made me to be wonderful, and that includes my body, He created me just as he wanted me to be and he doesn't look at me and say, "Oh my daughter down there, yeah um, she needs to loose about 20 pounds." No, he looks at me and says, "Look at my daughter down there, she is absolutely gorgeous fearfully and wonderfully made just as I have created her to be." Him, the God of the universe made you just how you are, and goodness does he love you just as you are. So why shouldn't we? Why shouldn't we love ourselves just as God intended us to, we should look in the mirror and say, "I look good today!' If we constantly are negative about our bodies and who we are then we will never be happy, you have to sprinkle that self positive love on yourself, and yes it is not easy, and yes it is a daily effort, but you know it's so worth it in the end because how can you love others without loving yourself first. So I challenge you, yes you, to everyday that you look in your mirror that you not pick out those "flaws" but instead you praise them and you embrace them because honey you are a masterpiece full of beauty that deserves that cookie  and never forget it.

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing! Your words spoke right to my heart! You are right we are fearfully and wonderfully made! God loves me just the way I am! Thank you for reminding me not to ever let someone’s opponent change how I feel about me! Thank you for sharing! I love you mostess
